
Raising our Voices for Social Inclusion!

Rahmat Ahmadi

Afsoon's Story (Podcast),
Afsoon Khoobani & Maria Karpodini

The Journey,
Matthaios Giannisopoulos

Living Like a Single Woman,
Hina Adil,
Chrisa Markopoulou,
Maria Karpodini

Fight for Survival,
Zahra Mojahed

Gender and the City,
Elli Papastergiou

Demonstrations in Athens,
Olga Pateraki

Friendship in Diavata Camp,
Marianna Giotaki

Happy Feet,
Nikos Vaniotis

Job in Greece,
Hamed Changizi,

An Afghan girl soccer player,
Zahra Mojahed

I am an Afghan woman,
Mahdia Hossaini


The creators are solely responsible for the choice and presentation of facts and opinions expressed in videos and other stories included in this website, which are not necessarily those of UNHCR and do not commit UNHCR.

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